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Contact Info

AddressRoseville, CA
United States
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About Me


My name is Leonard James and I have been interested in photography since my early twenties.  In the beginning I played around with macro, landscape and night photography and genuinely enjoyed taking photographs. I took my first photography class at Cal Poly Pomona in the early 1979's where I learned photography basics including how to process black & white and color film.   I converted my closet to a darkroom and processed color and black and white images for several years.   Then life happened and photography took a back seat for two decades.


I started doing a little traveling in the early 2000’s and my interest in photography started to grow once again.  I bought my first digital camera in 2008 as I was about to leave for vacation in Alaska.  The camera arrived 2 days before my departure date.  Although I was unfamiliar with digital photography, the trip and the new camera re-ignited my passion for photography.  I took photography classes in 2009 and 2010 at Sierra College to review photography basics and learn how to work with digital cameras and digital files.


As I became more familiar with my digital camera and learned to process raw files, my passion for photography once again burned with intensity.


During the process I developed a keen interest in bird and flower photography. Now, I enjoy photographing wildlife and flowers. 


I enjoy sharing my photos with family, friends and others who share an interest in my work.

All Photographs

Guestbook for Leonard James Nature Photography
Lorraine Rorke Bader(non-registered)
Your website is great, and your photos are spectacular. Your lighting and composition make your photos stand out
Good Morning Leonard

Yesterday at a frame shop in Auburn, I bought the
Beautiful Oahu Sunrise. I love the ocean and always
love the sunrise and sunset. Thank you for this Magnificent
work of art!!
Thanks to you I am able to enjoy this sunrise and feel
close to the ocean every day!!!!!
Beautiful website! If you have a 500px page, instagram or facebook please let me know. Would like to be supportive if possible.
Ps: my website
Bob McCleary(non-registered)
Love your photography and would like to follow your work. Do you have a enews letter or Facebook? Thanks bob
Freddie Condos(non-registered)
What Spectacular entries...all are my favorite...colors, action, scenery, directions, variety of nature is Outstanding. You've come a Long Way Baby and no sure you could be any better. Quite an uplifting and invigorating adventure of Beauty for this viewer.
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